
Thursday, December 31, 2015

18 Years, 2 Months and 8 Days

18 years, 2 months and 8 days.

That is longer than the following Astros minor leaguers have been on this Earth:

Ozziel Sanchez-Galan
Juan Robles
Miguelangel Sierra
Franklin Perez
Jose Carillo
Juan Pineda
Javier Navas
Felipe Tejada
Carlos Machado
Nestor Muriel
Hector Martinez
Jacques Sambo

Not to mention the July 2nd signings who haven't even played yet.

On October 22, 1997 ...

Carlos Correa was three years old.

Joe Musgrove had just turned five years old.

Dallas Keuchel would soon turn 10.

The Marlins were about to win the World Series.

Leonardo DiCaprio was set to become King of the World.

Princess Diana had recently died.

Seinfield was still on top.

There was no Google.

Bill Clinton was President.

Roger Clemens was about to win his 4th Cy Young Award.

That is a long time, particularly a long time to work in the same job, in the same office. For most of that 18 years, 2 months and 8 days, this was my view.

Heck, if I looked to the right I could even see the Astrodome peeking out from behind NRG Stadium. But I loved it best when the reflection of the sun setting in the west reflected off the Transco Tower (you can't make me call it the Williams Tower!).

I love that building.

Another advantage of my office was being able to watch the family of falcons that live on top of our building. It wasn't unusual to see them soaring around the area.

It was a lovely view. I very much appreciated it every day and I will miss it as I start the next chapter of my life today.

But, honestly, I will miss this view even more.

It's hard to leave behind people that you have come to love and care for. But it is time.

Earlier this week, I saw the family of falcons flying in circles, swooping and reeling and enjoying the sunshine. The sight somehow helped to reinforce in me the knowledge that I had gotten too comfortable with what I had been doing the last few years, that being kicked out of the nest by circumstances beyond my control was the best thing that could happen to me. It's time to re-invent myself. It's time to soar to new heights. It's time to find new views. It's time.

I will continue to re-invent the blog as well. I don't know what I'll be writing or when I'll be writing, but whatever direction it goes will probably be one that will keep things (and me) from getting too stale. Dustin has told me that he'll be back in the coming season with his amazing recaps. For that I am truly thankful. Hopefully, I can con a few other people into contributing from time to time. But there will always be interviews and profiles. I will continue to bring you the stories of these young men who are really just starting their journeys at the same time as my long lifetime journey has taken a little detour. I 'm not sure where it will all lead, but the road just got more interesting.

Happy New Year!



  1. Wishing you the best in whatever the future has in store for you. And please keep writing!

    1. Thanks Donna! I'll keep writing ... just probably not a lot until the season starts. Have to get my bearings on this new gig first!

  2. Good luck with the new job. Happy New Year!

  3. Looking forward to the new season and hoping the life transition is seamless for you!

  4. Good luck Jayne! Keep the positive outlook and you can be whatever you wish to be. I look forward to seeing you here often.


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