Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Harvey Update

Four days later and it's still raining. Much lighter now in my part of town, but the constant threat has taken its toll. I'm very, very lucky because I've ONLY gotten about 30 inches of rain in my neighborhood so far. Wrap your head around that. 30 inches is good news. And it's still raining. And the water is still rising. And the water being released at the reservoirs and dams out west is still headed our way. I think I'll be fine, but I'm an emotional wreck right now from lack of sleep and the worry for myself and for my family, friends and community. Three nights in the dark with no power didn't help -- feeling disconnected and isolated and alone and vulnerable. And that's with only very, very minor damage to my home. Take what I'm feeling -- the anxiety, the stress, the fear -- and multiply that by 1000 times and that might approach what thousands of people in Houston are going through. Many of them have lost everything. And it's still raining.

I love my City. I've lived here for 36 years now. Like many, I came here to take advantage of the opportunities and never planned to stay. But then I fell in love with this hot, sprawling, traffic-ridden, artistic, innovative, entrepreneurial, eclectic melting-pot of humanity. Yes, I'm an accidental Houstonian, but it is my City now and it will survive this and be the better for it all. But the recovery is going to take years. Please consider giving whatever you can to The American Red Cross because they will be helping with the immediate needs of the citizens of Houston and the whole area. In addition, if you are able to get to shelters near you, they need clothing of all sizes. There will be many, many, many other chances to help both physically and monetarily as we work to get through this all. Thank you for your continued prayers and thoughts for all who have been affected. We're aren't out of the woods on this situation yet, but we're HOUSTRONG! Please take care of yourself and know that you aren't alone.

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